Monday, November 30, 2009
'The Little Anglerfish' by Kerry-Ann Smith
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
'Bliiink' by Lucy Dobin
Lucy's story developed from two drawings made at the Jersey Museum, one of a stuffed, staring rabbit and one of a stuffed, staring owl. Of course this developed into a staring contest as a Mexican Standoff, with a Cactus judge. You can see the development of Lucy's drawings and her first test animatic on her Flickrstream here.
Her intended audience was older children up to OAP's, this is such a funny story that I'm sure most people would enjoy it. My favourite part is the withered, drooping cactus at the end. Leave a comment and let us know what you think.
1. Rabbit walks down the road (footstep noise) (3 seconds)
2. Owl walks down the opposite side of the road (footsteps) (3 seconds)
3. Rabbit stops and turns to see Owl (camera looking over Owl's shoulder to see from his point of view)
A tumble weed rolls past (whistling wind noise) (3 seconds)
4. Swap sides to see Owl on the other side of the road (camera looking over Rabbit's shoulder to see from his point of view) (2 seconds)
5. Zoom in on the eyes (2 seconds)
6. Both characters jump off the boardwalk and just stare. The Cactus judge appears (camera pans out to show the whole setting) Sun slowly sets (5 seconds)
7. They get a bit more angry with each other, Cactus looks worried (camera pans in even further, close-up on main characters) ( 1-2 seconds)
8. Owl and Rabbit start to shake their eyes start to water, (camera pans in more to show how much they are trying not to blink) (3 seconds)
9. Rabbit gets very angry and shouts "BLIIINK" Owl and Cactus look shocked. Sun continues to set. (3-4 seconds)
10. Night time, moon rises, Cactus falls asleep. Rabbit and Owl keep staring. (3 seconds)
11. Buildings start to crumble and fall down (keep switching from day to night, very fast) (7 seconds)
12. Clock hands moving around fast, pages flying off the calender (wooshing sound) (4 seconds)
13. Owl and Rabbit old and bearded now. Buildings keep crumbling. Keep switching from day to night (6 seconds)
14. All that is left of Owl and Rabbit are skeletons (fade to black after 7 seconds)
The animation is set to the music of 'The Good, The Bad & The Ugly'. View Lucy's animatic here, I defy you not to be humming this music for the rest of the day.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lotte Reiniger's animations
After researching Lotte Reiniger and watching a few more of her animations on Youtube, I came across a pretty old looking but interesting video showing the process of making a cut-out silhouette animation. You can find the video here.
Boiling animation
Boiling is the name for the uneven and wobbly lines in animation drawn by hand. Most animators dont like the effect of boiling and try to avoid it, but a few animators do like it, one of the best examples of boiling animation i found was of the old cartoon 'roobarb and custard' created by Bob Godfrey.
You make boiling animation by drawing out the scene you want, then trying to draw it out again as similar as you can make it a few more times, and then putting all the images together on a loop. Because the images are never going to be exactly the same you are always going to get the boiling effect.
Here is a website that explains boiling animation a bit more.
my research
After all the historical research we had to look at, i looked mainly at 2 artists; David Ellis and blublu.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Alice In Wonderland
I would like to share another favourite animator, Jan Svankmajer . His work will give you the shivers.
Now I love Disney’s version of Alice in Wonderland as much as the next person, but that’s the issue, most people only know Disney’s Alice. Jan Svankmajer has interpreted this classic story in a most frightening and peculiar way, watch it, you’ll never forget it (and you’ll never see the Disney version in the same way again).
See a clip of Jan Svankmajer’s Alice here.
Let me know what you think, Joanna
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Watch Paper Cinema and Kora present King Pest here.
Watch Bod here.
Watch Mr Benn here.
Lotte Reiniger made her animation of Cinderella in 1922, she was a pioneer of twentieth century animation and made the first ever full length animated film.
She worked in black and white silhouette cutout animation inspired by Eastern European traditions of shadow puppetry. The version of Cinderella that I saw was truly gruesome, the point at which the ugly sisters hacked off their toes and heels to fit the glass slipper on their feet was stomach churning. How wonderfully clever to cause such a physical reaction with simple silhouettes.
The original film is silent, at Animagika it was accompanied by Amiina, the percussion section of Sigor Ros. They played a selection of wonderful instruments such as musical saws and wine glasses. It was a perfect marriage of sound and image.
Watch Lotte Reininger’s Cinderella here.
Hear Amiina here.
PS. Join Branchage on Facebook, make sure that you don’t miss out next year.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Flickbooks Flipbooks
the animation brief
"You are asked to develop ideas from your illustration project to make a short, digital 2D animation piece lasting between 15 seconds and 1 minute. Your animation must be set to a soundtrack and be carefully planned with drawings, designs, a storyboard, a script and a production schedule.
Watch this space to see what happens next...