Monday, November 30, 2009

'The Little Anglerfish' by Kerry-Ann Smith

For our previous project Kerry wrote and illustrated a complete children's book titled 'The Little Anglerfish'. You can see it and read the story on Kerry's flickrstream here. As I'm sure you will agree Kerry is a highly talented illustrator, there are so many beautiful aspects of her illustrations from the deep watery feel of her use of inks mixed with salt and bleach to the rendering of the shoal of silvery fish.

Kerry's original story was far too long and complex to make into a 60 second animation, so she adapted it for this animation project. The animation has the same moral, the ugly anglerfish is rejected and finally accepted by the shoal of silvery fish, in her second retelling Kerry has refined the ideas to a more sophisticated, less obvious story. However what Kerry has exploited most cleverly for this animation is the movement of the fish swimming. Out of all the student's work Kerry has really understood and run with the idea of giving her illustrations movement and life. You can see Kerry's full storyboard and animatic on her Flickrstream. Even the quick, rough sketches on the storyboard show the viewer exactly how these fish will move across the screen.

Below are the storyboard instructions;

1. Background fades from black and the anglerfish begins swimming upwards (6 seconds)
2. Flicks to new shot, anglerfish swims up into it and stops, looks slightly left of camera (use a still hold) fish appear in the background (2 seconds)
3. Turns to face the shoal as they swims closer (fish should reflect light as they swim)
4. Shoal swims along (use whooshing sound for each curve) (3 seconds)
5. Lure grows brighter, anglerfish swims quickly off shot (2 seconds)
6. Shoal swimming slowly, anglerfish swims up below them
7. The shoal swims quickly away (6 & 7, 3 seconds)
8.Lure dims and sinks, anglerfish swims downwards after them (2 seconds)
9. As anglerfish approaches the shoal splits and darts behind him
10. Anglerfish swims after them and shoal dodges behind them (9 & 10, 6 seconds)
11. Shoal: foreground. Anglerfish: background. Swims into foreground and the shoal disperses (2-3 seconds)
12. Anglerfish stops, lure fully dims and droops down (2 seconds)
13. (zoomed out) Shoal swims away and then stops and faces anglerfish (2-3 seconds)
14. Fish stop and turn back to face anglerfish, then swim back over to him (2 seconds)
15. Fish begin to circle anglerfish, lure begins to light up (2 seconds)
16. Shoal swims in a loop around him. Anglerfish looks up, lure is glowing bright (6 seconds)
17. Anglerfish swims with the shoal (2 seconds)

Kerry hopes to go on to study illustration and/or animation at degree level, hands up anyone out there who would like to give her a place!


  1. Kerry is so amazingly talented!

    One day she'll take the art industry by hurricane, thunder and rainstorm.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello! I have worked in the animation industry for the past 10 years. I mainly work in post-production, special FX. I have two programes on CBeebies at the moment (Hannas Help Line and Grandpa In My Pocket). I also worked on the promo for IG which will be on Milkshakes Fiver in the New Year.

    Well done Kerry! A wonderful exploration of movement in your flip books. Your animatic was great! It had dynamic camera angles and a good feel for descriptive movement (with regard to the shoal of fish). A dynamic pose by your main character (anglerfish) in establishing shots is fab! However, I would like to have seen more expressive poses from this character, possibly as the story unfolds. Great music and a wonderful illustration of your moodboard. I like your use of experimental markmaking throughout!
